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25th - 2.1

26th - 2.2

27th - no school

30th - flex (2.1/2.2 Quiz)

Oct 1st - 2.3 (ch. 1 rewrite day)

Oct 2nd - Review

Oct 3rd - Ch. 2 Test


Ch. 2: Radical Functions: Text


Radical Functions and Transformations

Assignment: pg 72 #1-6,10,11,19

Ch. 2: Radical Functions: Video


Square Root of a Function

Assignment: pg 86 #1-8,11,16,17odd

Ch. 2: Radical Functions: Video


Solving Radical Equations

Assignment: pg 96 #1-9 (use desmos for 3 and 7)

Ch. 2: Radical Functions: Video
Ch. 2: Radical Functions: Text
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